  • Videos
  • June 2022
  • 19 minutes

Respiratory Outcomes and Lung Transplantation in COVID-19 Patients

In Brief

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This video was developed in conjunction with actuview, the first permanent international media platform for actuaries ( actuview content reflects contributions from actuarial institutions, corporate partners and industry professionals. RGA is actuview’s sponsoring partner.

In approximately 5% of COVID-19 infections, respiratory and multi-organ failure occurs, and it is likely that many more individuals with a history of severe lung disease caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus will require lung transplantation in the years to come. Still, lung transplantation in COVID-19 patients is an option of last resort.

RGA's Hilary Henly explores respiratory failure from COVID-19, long-term health outcomes after infection, and assessment criteria for lung transplantation. 

As the pandemic evolves, new implications and data-driven insights will continue to emerge, which RGA will continue to investigate. Please contact us for insights.

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Meet the Authors & Experts

Hilary Henly
Hilary Henly
Global Medical Researcher, Strategic Research