Internet of Things
Articles May 2023
The Internet of Things: A Landmark Technology for Behavior Change?

The potential for IoT technologies to support behavior change is clear. In this article (original version published in, Peter ...

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RGActual Banner Issue 6
Publications May 2023
RGActual May 2023 Issue: Listening and Aligning for RGA’s Future While Celebrating the Past

Explore RGActual, our magazine covering innovation, experience, and development for insurance professionals. In this issue, we review the future, from the legacy of long COVID to the potential of Chat GPT, sustainable product development, and more.

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A woman using an ipad to assess comorbidities
Articles May 2023
Assessing Comorbidities Requires a Data-Driven, Multidisciplinary Approach: Part II

Part I of this two-part article series presents a simple but effective approach to understanding the relationship between two conditions. In Part ...

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Articles May 2023
Assessing Comorbidities Requires a Data-Driven, Multidisciplinary Approach: Part I

RGA's Mike Cusumano explains how through cross-functional collaboration insurers can apply data analysis to refine and improve complex case underwriting. Read Part II of this article series to learn how additional and more complex analyses can provide more precise – ...

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Articles May 2023
Affordable Access to Quantum Computing Opens the Door to Experimentation, Potential Security Threats ​

The future of quantum computing has already begun, and the implications for the insurance industry are profound. Insurers would be well served to take steps now to determine how quantum computing might impact their businesses moving forward.

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Publications May 2023
ReFlections Volume 59, May 2023
Better understand Autism, explore advances in the science of aging, improve application disclosure, and more.
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A caregiver and an elderly woman walk in the park
Articles May 2023
What's New With Old? Recent Advances in the Science of Aging

RGA's Dr. Dan Zimmerman reviews recent controversies and developments in aging research and updates what to anticipate in the coming years.

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A young child plays with blocks beside his mother
Articles May 2023
An Update on Autism Spectrum Disorder Part 1: Through a clinical lens

This article, the first of two parts, provides a clinical review of ASD, and the second part, in the September issue of ReFlections, will focus on insurance medicine’s view and assessment of ASD.

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A pen pictured above an insurance application
Articles May 2023
Improving Smoking and Alcohol Disclosures Using Behavioral Science

In this article, we discuss RGA’s latest behavioral science research, which assessed the trade-offs between optimizing questions for alcohol and smoking disclosure, applicants’ experience of answering the questions, and what the results might teach about designing si...

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A consumer enters responses to a questionnaire at a computer
Articles April 2023
Bringing Order to Complexity in Claim Forms: An RGA behavioral science study

Information collected on occupational duties claims forms is often inadequate. In this article, RGA's Peter Hovard shares the findings of a large study conducted in key markets and explains why behavioral science-backed enhancements to claim forms improve information...

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Top 10 stamped graphic
Articles April 2023
Top 10 Tips from a Career in Claims

Tina Paap has been with RGA for 23 years, most recently in the role of Vice President of Claims for RGA Asia, and prior to retirement shared her top 10 tips for claims management.

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Articles April 2023
3 New Trends in Life and Health Insurance

Life and health insurance coverage and distribution are evolving. In this Insurance Thought Leadership article, Jaqui Wa...

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Cupped gloved hands holding microplastics
Articles April 2023
Do Microplastics Affect Human Health?

Human consumption of microplastics (MPs) is increasing. Initial research suggests that MPs may negatively impact human health, but evidence to quantify that impact is currently insufficient.

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Image of streaks of light over urban landscape
Articles April 2023
Streamlining Accelerated Underwriting Means Reconsidering Manuals

In this ThinkAdvisor article, RGA's Catie Muccigrosso explains why, as accelerated underwriting evolves, insurers will benefit...

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Grandparents meet with a grandchild and parent
Articles April 2023
5 Ways to Incorporate Social and Environmental Sustainability into Life and Health Insurance Products

RGA has worked with insurers around the globe to support the development of life and health insurance products that have a positive environmental, social, or governance (ESG) impact, in line with our purpose to make financial protection accessible to all. These prote...

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A customer uses a smartphone
Videos March 2023
Leveraging Behavioral and Contextual Signals from Digital Distribution and Underwriting

RGA's Petr Vaclav explains how behavioral and contextual signals can improve the life insurance value chain. Curious about RGA's data insights?  

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Underwriting acceleration speed blur highway
Videos March 2023
Trends in Bancassurance

Curious about RGA's medical insights?   Conta...

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Articles March 2023
Accelerated Underwriting: Maximizing its future

Alternative data sources and supporting technologies are propelling today’s advances in underwriting, enabling acceleration. Accelerated underwriting is empowering insurers to speed processes and improve the customer experience. 

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March 2023
Life and Health Insurance Innovation | Sandi Hubert
In this Inside RGA Q&A, Sandi Hubert, Senior Vice President, Chief Operating Officer at RGAX, discusses the importance of innovation in life and health insurance, what the team is currently... Read More
Articles March 2023
Psychedelics and Mental Health - A Review of the Current Research

Much of the available data regarding the therapeutic use of psychedelics for mental health disorders remains introductory; however, momentum is building with the potential to offer unique treatments for many complex mental health disorders.

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